Date(s) - 11/09/2023 - 13/09/2023
All Day
“Diving into the future“ is the future-oriented motto of this year’s Annual Congress of the European Association of Chemical Distributors – FECC
The glittering event itself and its innovative program has meanwhile acquired an outstanding reputation with all players along the chemical value chain for combining all relevant facts & figures companies need to be aware of with highly intriguing insights from experts as well as industry leaders of all kinds in a most entertaining way. Additionally, ample networking opportunities along the entire chemical supply chain will contribute largely to extend the attendees’ outreach towards existing and new peers.
Special topics on this year´s agenda:
- The transformation of Europe´s chemical industry
- Sustainability and business drivers for the chemical value chain
- Pro-active value-chain initiatives for sustainability
- The downstream user views
- New skills’ agenda
Full details are available on the dedicated website,